
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Out of Sync: Where Is Justin Timberlake?

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year! I know it has been a while since I have written a post, but I promise it won’t be as long next time. So, I was listening to my iPod, on the way to work, when Justin Timberlake’s ‘Take it from Here’ started to play. That’s when I got inspiration for my blog post. I noticed I have been M.I.A. from you guys and Justin has been absent from us.

It has been seven years since the lead singer of N’Sync has released an album (Futuresex/Lovesounds was released in 2006). I am almost absolutely sure his fans are anticipating an album soon…I know I am! In between time, Justin has used his time wisely to venture into the ever-changing world of entertainment; He has found the time to create the William Rast clothing line, he has starred in several films, and he married his longtime girlfriend, Jessica Biel (unlucky me!). 
Future Sex/ Love Sounds (which is one of my favorite albums, by the way) was one of the best albums that catered to anyone who has a great appreciation for music.
While anticipating a new release from Mr. Timberlake, he decided to wet our palettes with a teaser video, which leads me to believe that he has an album up his sleeves.

 The video shows Timberlake walking through what looks like a nicely furnished bachelor pad while doing a voiceover. At the conclusion of the video, Justin is actually in a recording studio and as he is standing in the recording booth and he says two very exciting yet cryptic words—“I’m Ready.” Ready for what? I’m hoping the foreplay of words he graced us with is just a taste of what’s to come in the near future.

Go to on January 13 to hear his big announcement.